Office: San Juan Mission
Location: Farmington, New Mexico

The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner
The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner was elected Bishop Provisional “Bridge Bishop” of Navajoland Area Mission by the House Bishops of the Episcopal Church on March 12, 2023, with an effective date of May 20. Previously, Bishop Barry served for thirteen years as the seventh bishop of the Diocese of Northern California. Beginning in 2019, at the invitation of Bishop Dave Bailey, +Barry served as an assisting bishop for Navajoland; he has been engaged in ministry here together with his wife, the Rev. Dr. Ann Hallisey (a priest, teacher, therapist, coach, mother of three, and step-mother of three more). They continue to reside in Davis, California, where they have lived for the past twenty-five years. (Currently, ECN’s Bishop Provisional ministry is considered to be a half-time position.)
+Barry’s previous ministries include: diocesan staff, a variety of parishes, and campus ministries, in California and in Ohio; Army Reserve chaplaincy; the Episcopal Church’s Board for Transition Ministry; various diocesan, seminary, and church-wide and community boards and committees, including several committees of General Convention; and the Board of American
Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. He holds degrees from the University of California, Berkeley; the Church Divinity School of the Pacific; and the General Theological Seminary. +Barry made his first trip to the Holy Land in 1980, and remains active in leading pilgrimages there.
Contact Information
PO Box 720
Farmington, NM 87499
(505) 327-7549