Bishop's Message

Bishop Barry Beisner’s Pastoral Message

The Feast of St. Nicholas, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ: 

Grace and peace to you. As we enter Advent and prepare to receive Christ at Christmas, we find ourselves again in a time for telling and hearing sacred stories.  Many traditional stories are to be shared, with much to teach us, bringing wisdom and beauty into our lives.  And there is the most extraordinary story of all, the story of God-with-us, of God’s great gift of love, a savior born for us.

It is a busy time.  It is a challenging, uncertain, and anxious time.  For many, it is a time of loss and grief.  I pray that it will also be a time of healing and great joy.  I pray that we will listen with the ears of our hearts to what the wonderful story of Christmas is saying to us, bringing us to a deeper awareness of our Creator’s love for us, of God’s abiding presence with us. 

This Advent, may God help us truly hear the Story, to prepare a place in our hearts where—in spite of all the noises of these times- we can hear the singing of angels. This Christmas, may we be helped to see and share the Light that shines in the darkness of our world.  During this holy season, may the Prince of Peace lead us and all the world more deeply into Hozho.

Yours in the love of Jesus,
